0.101: Our object is to help: To aid and assist in the Great program of uplifting fallen humanity (Aboriginal-Asiatics & Moslems) post 1453: 1453--to--1492; 1492--to--1555; 1555--to--1619; 1619--to--1774; 1774--to--1779; 1779--to--1789; 1789--to--1863; 1863--to--1865; 1865--to--[DATE]: 1865; 1873; 1874; 1877; 1886; 1887; 1897; 1910; 1912; 1913; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1925; 1926; 1927; 1928; 1929; 1933; 1934; 1954; 1955; 1956; 1963; 1964; 1965; 1975; 1977; 1981; 1982; 1983; 1984; 1985, 1986, ETC.;
0.201: Our purpose is to teach to our members "nationality," the law of Nations; ' to make our members (Aboriginal-Asiatics & Moslems) better Citizens, non-U.S. citizens, free inhabitants and nationals;
0.301: Upon information and belief, the United States (noun: U.S.) district of Columbia is composed of confederated proprietary governments (orignally trading posts, chartered proprietorships and colonial settlements), comprising several European nationalities, generally functioning under Anglo-American law but acknowledging the validity treaties, private international law, conventions, and the law of nations;
0.401: The Status Of foreign nationals and European settlers born In America, under Treaty, under the foreign law of Nations, including, Collective Naturalization; Corporate U.S. Citizenship; Statutory Jurisdiction; Appropriate Legislation; the Commerce Clause; and ecclesiastical law;
0.501: Article seven (7) of the Provisional Articles, Preliminary Articles of Peace, between the European colonial 'British-Loyalists' and the European national 'British Rebels,' signed the 30th day of November 1782, at Paris, declared and proclaimed That: "There shall be a firm and perpetual Peace [sic], between his Britannic Majesty [sic] and the said States [sic], and between the Subjects [sic] of the one and the Citizens [sic] of the other."
0.601: The Definitive Peace ["Treaty"] Preamble, signed 3 September 1783, at Paris, "In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity" declared and proclaimed That: the Crown Of Great Britain, the King Of Great Britain, Prince George the Third and The United States Of America (noun: 'The U. S. A.'), by Commissioners [sic] empowered on each part, "forget all past misunderstandings and differences that [ ] unhappily interrupted the good correspondence and friendship [but did NOT interrupt the 'free national status' and 'British nationality' of the (former colonially chartered) now independent proprietary British [national] subjects of his Britannic Majesty at North America] which they mutually wish to restore [ ] to establish [ ] a beneficial and satisfactory intercourse [not a 'Treaty'], between the two countries [not two (2) different nationalities] or upon the ground of reciprocal advantages and mutual convenience as may promote and secure to both perpetual peace and harmony."
0.701: Article seven (7) of the Provisional Articles, Preliminary Articles of Peace, between the European colonial 'British-Loyalists' and the European national 'British Rebels,' signed the 30th day of November 1782, at Paris, declared and proclaimed That: "All Hostilities [sic] both by Sea and Land [that is, 'Anglo-American law,' ecclesiastical law and jurisprudence under 'British' admiralty law and 'British common law'] shall [ ] immediately cease: All Prisoners [sic] on both sides shall be set at Liberty, & his Britannic Majesty shall, with all convenient speed, & without causing any Destruction [sic] or carrying away any Negroes, or other Property [sic] of the American Inhabitants withdraw all his Armies Garrisons and Fleets from the said United States."
0.801: Where the U.S. (noun) Constitution and all treaties made are the supreme law of the land but egagements entered into, before the adoption of the U.S. Constitution, remain binding: The ratification, by The President Of The United States In Congress Assembled, of the Definitive Treaty Of Peace' (3SEP1783) declaration, That: "Negroes [are] Property of the American inhabitants," even after the American Constitution had declared that all "free inhabitants" are equal; ratification would create a U.S. constitutional 'Negro' exception to the pre-existing organic law of citizenship for free inhabitants.
0.901: The Definitive Treaty's "Negroes" provision (like the U.S. Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision) is sufficient to identify Asiatic American native so-called Indian inhabitants, including Asiatic American native so-called Negro inhabitants; indigenous Asiatic inhabitants of African nativity; and native Asiatic inhabitants of African descent, as a political caste (a 'national alien') a lawful captive and/or a separate-specific (and 'not general') category of Person(s), altogether continuing to stand for the proposition that any general declaration of corporate citizenship, e.g., the XIVth Amendment & the XVth Amendment (of 'general application') is inadequate to reach the specific (and 'non-general') INDIAN; ALIEN NOT TAXED; AFRICAN NATIVITY; NEUTER GENDER; CHATTEL; SLAVERY; OWNERSHIP; 3/5THS; PROPERTY; AFRICAN DESCENT; NEGRO; BLACK categories of Person, including persons alienated politically within the four (4) corners of the U.S. Constitution.
1.101: Under the U.S. constitutional rule of Ejusdem Generis, a general construction of the terms and phrases appearing in the American Constitution would be insufficient to protect and save Asiatic native so-called Negro inhabitants; indigenous Asiatic inhabitants of African nativity; and native Asiatic inhabitants of African descent against political alienation printed within the four (4) corners of the U.S. Constitution.
1.201: 'I AM A "NEW-YORK" (Chapter 1, Laws Of The State Of New-York, 1777) CITIZEN OF THE U. S. A.'
1.301: "I AM A CITIZEN OF THE U. S. A. (noun);"
1.401: 'I am a U.S. (adjective) citizen;'
1.501: 'I Am NOT A U.S. (Noun) Citizen;'
1.601: 'I am a descendant of the aboriginal inhabitants of the present North America, South America, and Central America (1492) and also Mexico (the "Olmecs") and the Atlantis Islands, Moroccan-American Moorish inhabitants ('Moors'), whom were the descendants of the ancient Moabites and Canaanites from the land of Canaan, whom are Asiatics; whose posterity to-day remain the free inhabitants of North, South, and Central America, and Mexico and the Atlantis Islands, and whom remain the descendants of the ancient Moabites and Canaanites from the land of Canaan" (c.47, Holy Koran, M.S.T.A.);
1.602: As a member of an aboriginal tribe: It is noted that the U.S. (noun) senate, U.S. (noun) president and U.S. (noun) house of representatives as of June 2, 1924 approved an ACT, 43 STAT. 253, entitled "CHAP. 233.---An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue certificates of citizenship to Indians" (43 STAT. 253) [to wit:]
1.603: "Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled" (43 STAT. 253) [to wit:]
1.604: "That all non-citizen Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States be, and they are hereby, declared to be citizens of the United States: Provided, That" (43 STAT. 253) [to wi:]
1.605: "The granting of such citizenship shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of any Indian to tribal or other property." Approved June 2, 1924; (43 STAT. 253, CHAP. 233) (H.R. 6356 [Public, No. 175]).
1.606: Effective 180 days after June 27, 1952 the U.S. (noun) senate, U.S. (noun) president and U.S. (noun) house of representatives also approved an ACT, 66 STAT. 235, SEC. 301, entitled "TITLE III---NATIONALITY AND NATURALIZATION;" "CHAPTER I---NATIONALITY AT BIRTH AND BY COLLECTIVE NATURALIZATION;" "SEC. 301;" [to wit:]
1.607: "SEC. 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth :" "(2) a person born in the United States to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe : Provided, That the granting of citizenship under this subsection shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the right of such person to tribal or other property" (66 STAT. 235, SEC. 301[a][2]);
1.701: "The law of the land" is the natural law;
1.702: "The law of the Country" is the law of nations;
1.703: The term "law of nations" is used to describe the set of laws, both natural and those established by treaty, between sovereign states.
1.704: The natural law, of which the law of nations is a part, is superior in obligation to any other;
1.705: The law of nations is binding "over all the globe in all countries, and at all times: no human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid derive all their force, and all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original” (Blackstone’s Commentaries discussing the English Constitution, see 1 BLACKSTONE, supra note 77, at *41–44)
1.801: On January 26, 1956 the Department of State (BULLETIN, February 6, 1956, p.294) announced the intention of the United States Government [sic] to relinquish its consular jurisdiction in Morocco;
1.802: On October 6, 1956 notice was given to Morocco that the United States Government on September 15, 1956 had relinquished its jurisdiction in Morocco (Memorandum, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, September 15, 1956).
1.803: On October 6, 1956 the U.S. Ambassador to Morocco wrote: "It is the decision of my Government [sic] to relinquish this day these consular jurisdictions which were accorded to The United States Of America (noun) in a Treaty of Peace and Friendship first concluded with Morocco in 1787 and renewed [sic] in 1836 and in the Act of Algeciras signed in 1906; as well as to cease to exercise jurisdiction over subjects of Morocco or others who may be designated as proteges under the Convention of Madrid signed in 1880." Bulletin of the State Department Vo. 35:909, page 844.
1.804: "However," "in keeping with the desire to modernize this aspect of the treaty relationship between Morocco and the United States (noun)," "[i]t is my understanding that American proteges will have access to the same local courts as American citizens in accordance with the procedures followed in the past when capitulations have been relinquished" (Cavendish W. Cannon, U.S. Ambassador to Morocco; to Ahmed Balafrej, Moroccan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sheriefian Empire, at Rabat, 6OCT1956).
1.805: "Sultan" is the title given to our ruler in Morocco (#34, Koran Question):
1.806: T W BEY was born a Musselman (Holy Quran 30:30);
1.807: T W BEY was born a 'Moroccan-American' (8 STAT. 100);
1.808: T W BEY was born an Asiatic Moor of North “African descent”(§2169, Revised Statutes, U.S.);
1.809:T W BEYwas born a Moroccan-American Asiatic Musselman having origins in any one of the ancient Moabite and Canaanite (Carthaginean and Phoenician) original peoples of the Levant, the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe (SPD # 15); (OMB # 15);
1.901: T W BEY was born a free inhabitant without the “limits” (§1992, Revised Statutes, U.S.) of the United States (noun: "U.S.") 'to a member of an Indian or other aboriginal tribe' (66 STAT. 235), “A CITIZEN OF THE U. S. A.” (Nationality & Identification Card, M.S.T.A. ) :And there is no need for the application of the XIVTH Amendment (U.S. Constitution) for the salvation and citizenship of the despised and rejected aboroginal Asiatic inhabitants of the Country: Asiatic native so-called Indian inhabitants; indigenous Asiatic inhabitants of African nativity; and native Asiatic inhabitants of African descent (Related, see, L. 1885, c.341; Chapter 341, Laws Of New York [sic], 1885)
2.101: T W BEY was born a “free inhabitant” (1 STAT. 4)of "New-York" (Chapter 1, Laws Of The State Of New-York, 1777),U. S. A : A free inhabitant native born within the dominion and inhabitation of his own Moroccan-American (8 STAT. 100) forebears : And there is no need for the application of the XVTH Amendment (U.S. Constitution) for the salvation, political community and political status of the despised and rejected Asiatic inhabitants of the Country, Asiatic native so-called Indian inhabitants; indigenous Asiatic inhabitants of African nativity; and native Asiatic inhabitants of African descent;
2.201: T W BEY was born a free inhabitant of the Country, New York, U. S. A. (ART. 4, 1 STAT. 4, SEC. 4);
2.301: A "free inhabitant" of the Country is able to cast a free national ballot at the polls under "the free national constititon of the States Government," not "under a granted privilege," "collective naturalization," or "statutory jurisdiction" and "appropriate legislation" (e.g., Civil Rights Legislation), as has been the existing condition for many generations : As a free inhabitant of New-York, U. S. A., in accordance with Chapter 1, Laws Of The State Of New-York, 1777, in accordance with the State's constitution, April 20, 1777; in accordance with the free national constitution of the State's Government, March 1, 1781 (1 STAT. 4); in accordance with Chapter 341, Laws Of New York [sic], 1885 (L. 1885, c.341) and pursuant to US Constitution, article VI, clause 1, T W BEY is “entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several States" and "there is no need for the application of the XIVTH and XVTH Amendments for the salvation of our people and citizens" (Noble Drew Ali, Prophet Jesus [circa. 1928]);
2.401: "The free inhabitants of each of these States, paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several States," in accordance with 1 STAT. 4, ART. 4, and pursuant to US Constitution, article VI, clause 1; Official agency declarations of "collective naturalization" (e.g., §1992, Revised Statutes, U.S.), "appropriate legislation" (e.g., 66 STAT. 235); and/or "exclusive legislation, under US Constitution, article IV, section 3, clause 2 and "statutory jurisdiction" under US Constitution, article I, section 8, clause 17, shall not in any manner impair or otherwise affect the privileges and immunities of free inhabitants (1 STAT. 4, ART. 4) in the several States under the free national constititon of the States Government, 1 STAT. 4 (see, e.g., Chapter 1, Laws Of The State Of New-York, 1777);
2.501: T W BEY serves as a Private-Attorney-In-Fact, to the Office of the Chief Administrator;
2.601: BROTHER T W BEY is Chief Administrator and Trustee of the Young Men's Moslem Society; also the Young Men's Moslem Society of BROTHER T W BEY;
2.701: The Young Men's Moslem Society of BROTHER T W BEY is a lawfully chartered and incorporated organization (also an 'Unincorporated Association') now lawfully structured and legally reorganized in the form of a complex New-York, U. S. A. trust:
2.801: The Young Men's Moslem Society---Assets Trust;